ADVANCED TRACK PROGRAMOffering concentrations in visual arts, music, and performing arts to Upper School students who have a passion to create.

Program Enrollment

Arts Conservatory provides students with the opportunity to be fully immersed in an area of the arts. To be eligible to participate in this program, students must meet specific requirements, including a level of proficiency in their desired concentration. In addition to AC enrollment requirements, there are specific coursework requirements and participation expectations for each concentration. Please see the following information for further insight into program enrollment.

Requirements & Expectations


Before applying to AC, new students must first be accepted to Oak Hall School. After acceptance, students can audition for entry into the program. Auditions are held in the spring semester each year. Each audition will consist of a performance or portfolio presentation followed by a brief interview conducted by the Fine Arts faculty.


Students must enroll in courses from their chosen arts discipline during all four years of Upper School if accepted at the end of 8th grade, or every year after acceptance for all other students. Freshman and sophomore students will be enrolled in the honors level of their core discipline class. Junior and senior students will be enrolled in the AC level of their core discipline class (grade weighting will be equivalent to an AP course).


Students must maintain a 3.5 GPA in all arts curriculum courses and demonstrate proficiency in their chosen area of concentration. Furthermore, students should maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA in all other academic classes while enrolled in ACP.

Cross-Over Course

In addition to enrolling in core discipline courses during all four years of high school, students must also take one semester of one other art discipline. Students will be enrolled in the honors level of their chosen cross-over course. If a student chooses to take more than one cross-over, they will only receive honors credit for the first cross-over course.

External Arts Events

Each academic year, all AC members must attend three external arts events. These must be events unrelated to Oak Hall School. Attendance at these events must be proven by a ticket stub or other evidence of attendance, such as a program.

Service Hours

All Arts Conservatory members must complete five hours of service each year. These hours must be documented on the Oak Hall Service Hour Form.

ACP Recitals

All AC students will participate in Arts Conservatory recitals each year. All AC students will be required to attend all recitals that contain performances from their chosen discipline. These recitals will be prepared outside of class.


All AC members will be advised by the director of their discipline. This relationship is formed to help guide students through the program and support their efforts to complete all requirements while excelling in their chosen art form. Students will have regular meetings with Fine Arts faculty where they will receive guidance on their developing skills and creative mindset.

Collaboration & Behavior

All AC students are expected to collaborate with classmates, regardless of age or ability; this collaboration is always expected to be kind, generous, and productive. Student behavior should emanate respect for oneself, peers, and instructors. Failure to follow guidelines will result in a reduction of grade, parent/teacher conference, or a potential probationary period.

Words From Our AC Students

Participating in AC at Oak Hall has had a huge impact on my life. It has allowed me to dive deeper into my passion for theater and the dramatic arts. Through AC, I have been able to expand my knowledge and abilities by having the opportunity to participate in multiple performances where I gain valuable experience and receive helpful feedback.

Lindsey Fuhr

Top Scholar, Class of 2025

I have met some of my best friends through Arts Conservatory. Over the years I have been so supported by my peers and I have grown as both a performer and a person. I am so grateful for the memories I have made and the important lessons I have learned.

Christina Sarantos

Class of 2023

During my time at Oak Hall, Arts Conservatory helped me showcase my passion for theater. I was able to be a part of three one-school musicals, and win several awards at Thespian competitions. While being a part of AC theater I was also able to play three varsity sports and excel in my courses. Ms. Molitor and all of the faculty members supported me as I pursued my academic, athletic, and artistic passions.

Jennifer Berthy

Alumna, Class of 2022